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Elliot Olsen has regained millions for clients who lost a family member because of negligence. If you lost a family member to a wrongful death, please call (612) 337-6126 for a free consultation.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has asked consumers to stop using a Fisher-Price baby sleeper that officials say is responsible for 10 infant deaths since 2015.
The deceased infants, who were 3 months or older, were using a Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play sleeper. The CPSC said the children died after rolling from their back to their stomach or side while unrestrained, although there was no indication given as to what caused the deaths.
The latest death was reported in March, said CPSC spokesperson Patty Davis. She did not give any information on when the other nine deaths occurred.
Fisher-Price baby sleeper:
No recall issued – yet
The CPSC is recommending that consumers stop using the sleeper “as soon as an infant exhibits rollover capabilities.”
Davis said the commission is currently investigating the product. “If it turns out that it needs to be recalled, we will move forward with that,” she told CNN.
Fisher-Price had previously warned consumers to stop using the product when infants can roll over and possibly fall.
“[T]he reported deaths show that some consumers are still using the product when infants are capable of rolling and without using the three-point harness restraint,” the warning said.
Fisher-Price baby sleeper:
Company says standards met
Chuck Scothon, a Fisher-Price general manager, issued a statement about the warning, saying the sleeper meets all “applicable safety standards.”
“A child fatality is an unimaginable tragedy,” Scothon said. “Fisher-Price and every one of our employees take the responsibility of being part of your family seriously, and we are committed to earning that trust every day.”

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has warned consumers to stop using the Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play baby sleeper, which is responsible for 10 infant deaths since 2015. The most recent death occurred last month; no other information was released on the deaths.
Fisher-Price baby sleeper:
CPSC online statement
Here is the full statement issued by the CPSC:
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Fisher-Price warn consumers about the Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play due to reports of death when infants roll over in the product. According to medical literature, infants typically begin rollover behaviors at 3 months. The CPSC is aware of 10 infant deaths in the Rock ‘n Play that have occurred since 2015, after the infants rolled from their back to their stomach or side, while unrestrained. All 10 infants were 3 months or older.
Because deaths continue to occur, CPSC is recommending consumers stop use of the product by three months of age, or as soon as an infant exhibits rollover capabilities. CPSC has previously warned consumers to use restraints in infant inclined sleep products.
Fisher-Price warns consumers to stop using the product when infants can roll over, but the reported deaths show that some consumers are still using the product when infants are capable of rolling and without using the three point harness restraint.
CPSC and Fisher-Price remind consumers to create a safe sleep environment for infants, whether using a crib, bassinet, play yard, or inclined sleeper: Never add blankets, pillows, stuffed toys, or other items to the environment and always place infants to sleep on their backs.
The Commission voted to publish a finding that the health and safety of the public requires immediate notice.
Elliot Olsen has decades of experience representing people who suffered the loss of a family member to a wrongful death. You can contact him for a free consultation by filling out the following form and submitting it: