Sick with Salmonella?
Call (612) 337-6126
Salmonella lawyer Elliot Olsen has regained millions for his clients sickened by a foodborne pathogen. If you or a family member became ill after eating a dish made with frozen ground tuna, you might have cause to file a Salmonella lawsuit. Please call (612) 337-6126 for a free consultation.
Frozen ground tuna distributed by Jensen Tuna has been linked to a seven-state Salmonella outbreak.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that 13 people have been sickened in those seven states, and two of the victims have been hospitalized.
The investigation into the outbreak also involves the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which announced a recall of the product, as well as state and local health organizations.

Frozen ground tuna distributed by Louisiana-based Jensen Tuna has been linked to a seven-state Salmonella outbreak of 13 illnesses. The FDA said it is likely that the recalled product was used in food dishes – such as sushi (pictured) – sold by restaurants or retailers.
Frozen ground tuna:
Product recalled
The recalled frozen ground tuna was packaged in 1-pound bags and sold in 20-pound boxes under lot numbers z266, z271, and z272.
The FDA said that Jensen Tuna – which is located in Houma, Louisiana – distributed the product to Connecticut, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, and Washington, but added the caveat that the product could have been redistributed further, reaching additional states.
The FDA said it is unlikely that the recalled frozen ground tuna was sold directly to consumers, but rather that it is more likely the product was used in dishes prepared by restaurants or retailers. Consumers with concerns should ask restaurants and retailers whether the tuna dish they are purchasing contains the recalled frozen ground tuna.
The FDA also recommends that restaurants and retailers check with suppliers and not sell or serve any recalled frozen ground tuna that was purchased from Jensen Tuna. All food preparers should be sure to wash and sanitize locations where the recalled frozen ground tuna was stored or prepared.
Frozen ground tuna:
Outbreak statistics
The CDC’s announcement states that illnesses started on dates ranging from Jan. 8 to March 20. Ill people range in age from 29 years old to 85 years, and the median age is 40. Seven of the victims (54 percent) are female.
The bacteria strain is called Salmonella Newport, which is most commonly found in dairy cattle.
Frozen ground tuna:
Salmonella information
Salmonella bacteria cause a foodborne illness called salmonellosis, which – according to CDC statistics – sickens 1.2 million Americans annually. In addition, about 23,000 victims will be hospitalized because of the infection, and 450 of them will die from complications of the infection.
Salmonellosis develops anywhere from 12 hours to 72 hours after one eats food contaminated with Salmonella. As with most types of food poisoning, symptoms can include:
- stomach cramps
- diarrhea
- vomiting
- fever
- chills.
Symptoms can last as long as a week, and most people recover without needing to see their doctory. In some cases, however, diarrhea becomes so severe that dehydration occurs, and then not only is seeing a doctor recommended but hospitalization is more than likely necessary.
High-risk demographics
The Mayo Clinic reports that people at the greatest risk of developing salmonellosis are young children, senior citizens, and anyone with a compromised immune system, most predominately women who are pregnant. In addition, anyone suffering from a disease of the intestinal tract, such as inflammatory bowel disease, is also more susceptible to the bacteria.
Finally, healthy adults can become more susceptible to Salmonella when they take an antacid, which lowers the stomach’s acidity, or if they are on an antibiotic, which reduces the number of Salmonella-killing bacteria in the intestines.
Frozen ground tuna:
Not the only outbreak
Another Salmonella outbreak was announced by the CDC just a few days ago. On April 12, the federal organization said that 93 people had become ill – and 23 hospitalized – in nine states because of contaminated precut melon produced by Caito Foods of Indianapolis. The product was recalled by Kroger, Target, Trader Joe’s, Walmart, and Whole Foods.
Free consultation
Elliot Olsen has decades of experience representing people harmed by food poisoning. You can contact him for a free consultation by filling out the following form and submitting it: