Elliot Olsen is a nationally prominent explosion lawyer who has regained millions for clients. If you or a family member were injured in this Lamar County home explosion, please call Elliot at (612) 337-6126 for a free consultation.
Two people were hospitalized after a Lamar County home explosion about 116 miles northeast of Dallas, Texas.
“We had a lot of first-responders there really quick,” Lamar County emergency management coordinator Quincy Blount said. “We got the victims out really quick, which I think helped their chances of survival a lot.”
Blount said that just after 9 p.m. on Jan. 6, several fire departments responded to call about the Lamar County home explosion, which occurred on County Road 35460 in Chicota near Pat Mayse Lake.
Lamar County home explosion:
Like a bomb going off
A neighbor, who requested anonymity, said she was sleeping when she thought she heard a bomb go off. She said she ran over to find the house flattened and a woman trapped inside screaming “help me,” so she called 911.
“First units on scene to arrive found a house that was exploded,” Blount said. “The roof was down, had one victim pinned inside. And another victim was outside the house.”
Blount said they believe the man and woman were inside during the explosion. Family members said the woman was in the living room when the house collapsed; first-responders rescued her from the rubble.
The woman’s family also said the man was sleeping when the Lamar County home explosion blew him out of the home while still in bed.
Lamar County home explosion:
Injured pair flown to hospital
Both people were flown to a hospital. A relative of the woman said that both victims suffered numerous broken bones and several burns, but they are expected to recover fully.
There was no official word on the cause of the Lamar County home explosion, but Blount said the incident is being investigated by the State Fire Marshals, The Railroad Commission of Texas, and the Lamar County Sheriff’s Department.
Lamar County home explosion:
Air quality is clean the day after
The day after the Lamar County home explosion, crews were monitoring the air, and the air quality came back clean.
“There was a propane tank outside the house that was in the on-position upon arrival,” Blount said. “It was quickly shut off for safety of first-responders.
“We wanted to make sure there was no pockets of propane or pockets of any types of explosive gases.”

Lamar County home explosion: A man and a woman were hospitalized after a home explosion in Lamar County, Texas, about 110 miles northeast of Dallas.
Palm Valley fire pit explodes,
injuring father and daughter
William Faver, 58, and his daughter, 18-year-old Chloe Faver, were sitting by their backyard fire pit on Jan. 2 when it suddenly exploded. According to a St. Johns County police report, William Faver said he had recently hired a gas company to move the propane fire pit from one part of the backyard to another. He said the final inspection of the fire pit occurred two days before the explosion.
Faver also told police that when he lit the fire pit, he had made sure that he did not smell any propane gas leaking. Approximately 20 minutes after lighting the fire pit, the explosion occurred, which Faver described as “instantaneous and violent.”
Both Favers sustained non-life-threatening injuries; Faver needed stitches to his ear, and Chloe sustained minor cuts to her legs after being “thrown 8 to 10 feet in the air,” according to the police report.
Both photographs and video surveillance footage were submitted into evidence.
Free consultation
with explosion lawyer
Elliot Olsen has decades of experience as an explosion lawyer. You can contact him for a free consultation by filling out the following form and submitting it: