Free consultation
Elliot Olsen has more than 20 years of experience representing people harmed by foodborne illness, and he has regained millions of dollars in compensation for his clients. If you or a family member has become sick in this Atlanta-area Salmonella outbreak, please call him at 612-337-6126, or complete the following:

Angelo’s New York Style Pizza in Cartersville, GA, has been identified as the caterer of the Toyo Tires Thanksgiving dinner.
The cause of the foodborne illness outbreak from the company dinner for Toyo Tire employees in Bartow County, GA, has been identified as Salmonella, according to Georgia Department of Public Health Northwest Health District officials. The department is still trying to determine the specific food item responsible.
The caterer of the event will remain closed until next week, the regional Department of Public Health office said. The company has been identified by the Daily Tribune in Cartersville and various social media outlets as Angelo’s of Cartersville.
Approximately 1,800 employees took part in the two-day holiday dinner on Nov. 14-15, but the number of people who have been sickened has not yet been determined.
Employees who took part in a company Thanksgiving dinner last week in suburban Atlanta might have been sickened in a Salmonella outbreak, news sources are reporting.
Employees at the Toyo Tire plant in White, GA, have taken to social media with their stories, saying a number of the 1,800 people who ate a catered Thanksgiving meal last week contracted Salmonella food poisoning.
The complaints prompted a health department investigation into a possible Salmonella outbreak.

The Toyo Tire company Thanksgiving dinner in suburban Atlanta might have served up Salmonella poisoning to its employees.
The meal took place over two days. Many who have been sickened said they started getting sick Thursday, as did did their coworkers.
A reporter for Atlanta’s FOX 5 News spoke with an employee’s wife after she took her husband home from the hospital. The couple were provided with Salmonella information packets and a handful of prescriptions.
“They gave him two bags of fluids, did blood work did a Salmonella culture, gave him some IV antibiotics and … basically he’s being treated for Salmonella poisoning,” said Stephanie, who did not give her last name.
Stephanie’s husband started getting sick Thursday night and got progressively worse over the weekend. He told Fox 5 News that he was not the only one out of work Monday.
“I can only speak from what I know for sure,” his wife said. “My brother-in-law was in the emergency room yesterday and was also treated for Salmonella poisoning, and several of my husband’s co-workers … have been sick and were in the ER.”
Salmonella can move fast
Salmonella bacteria are responsible for as many as 1 million foodborne illnesses in the U.S. on a yearly basis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Salmonellosis affects the intestinal tract, and is one of the most common types of food poisoning.
Salmonellosis can develop anywhere from 12 hours to three days after consumption of food contaminated with Salmonella.
As with most types of foodborne illnesses, symptoms usually include:
- diarrhea
- abdominal pain
- fever
- vomiting
- chills.
Those symptoms can last up to a week, and many people recover without treatment. In some cases, however, the diarrhea can be so severe that hospitalization is required.
Pregnant women at higher risk
In addition, pregnant women are at a greater risk for contracting Salmonellosis because their immune systems are suppressed because of hormonal changes. A pregnant woman who becomes ill from Salmonella can suffer a miscarriage, go into labor prematurely, or experience stillbirth.
Almost 400 deaths per year
The CDC estimates that of those 1 million annual cases of infection, 19,000 result in hospitalization, and approximately 380 end in death. People most at risk for complications are children under the age of 5, pregnant women, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems.